Supply Chain

As an international company, we are aware of our social and environmental responsibility in a complex global supply chain. In our Code of Conduct, we summarise our expectations and principles for the protection of human rights and the environment for ourselves and our suppliers and partners. 

Our human rights strategy

In our overview of our human rights strategy, we summarise our sustainability strategy and our fundamental principles for the protection of human rights. We have also documented an analysis of potential risks and violations of human rights here, as well as the steps we are taking to prevent or remedy them. This content can also be found in our policy statement on human rights in accordance with the German Supply Chain Duty of Care Act.

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Our code of conduct

We summarise our most important rules and principles of conduct in our Code of Conduct. We commit not only ourselves and our employees to upholding fair working conditions and protecting human rights and the environment, but also our suppliers and partners. We work continuously to communicate our Code of Conduct to all suppliers and partners and to integrate it into our contracts. We support our suppliers through regular training and audits to fulfil and continuously improve these requirements.

Code of conduct P&C Germany

Code of conduct P&C AT/CEE



Audits at production site

We check compliance with labour law and our human rights and ethical standards at our production sites through regular audits. We have been working with the amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) since 2003. In the event of violations, we work together to develop an action plan for continuous improvement and carry out follow-up audits or, if necessary, suspend the business relationship.

Reporting option

We have introduced a reporting system for our employees, suppliers and partners. This allows them to inform us of potential violations of our ethics and compliance guidelines, such as bribery, child labour or discrimination by us or our direct and indirect suppliers. This enables us to clarify and rectify reported issues as quickly as possible and, where necessary, penalise them. Further details on the exact procedure can be found in our Rules of Procedure.

The contact points listed below are available to report possible or actual violations:


Mail[email protected]

Phone: +49 (0) 162-9522475

Peek & Cloppenburg B.V. & Co. KG
Department Recht & Compliance
Berliner Allee 2
40212 Düsseldorf

Personal meeting with a person from the Legal & Compliance department.